Very Inspiring Blog Award

Zunaira, over at twenty,something,girl, nominated moi for the Very Inspiring Blog Award. Thank you, Zunaira, for the recognition. Give her a go at

I received a Liebster Award earlier this week and Zunaira also sent me nomination for that, too. I have so many products and so little time to do it again, but please visit that post and check out the bloggers I nominated:

Now to Inspire!

1.Display the award logo somewhere on the blog. (Here ya go!)

2.Link back to the blog of the person who nominated you. Here she is:

3.State 7 things about yourself.

A) My favorite cookie is a linzer tart.

B) I have a “No Kardashians Allowed” sign hung in my classroom. They are not positive role models.

C) I am a teacher, hence the classroom.

D) I bite my nails. It’s terrible.

E) I make a mean peanut sauce.

F) I have a terribly short attention span.

G) I love the TV show “Revenge.”

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award and provide links to their blogs

I read a bunch of blogs and I love a lot more than a bunch. Some are just fun to read and others really interest me.

OOTD: Metallic Overload

More on Pure Ice’s holiday releases

Scotch Tape Manicure

about me

Dolly Eye Gothic Three Tones Turquoise Review

The R29 GlossyBox and WOWZA! Another Award!

Sunday night I let you know that I got two GlossyBox deliveries over the weekend. I did a post on the November box. This evening I bring you…

Refinery 29 with Glossybox Limited Edition Hit Kit!

Oh, the treats are in there!

Refinery 29 curated this GlossyBox. The products were selected by their Senior Beauty Editor, Megan McIntyre. Megan has excellent taste, as this box is pretty fabulous. Refinery 29 is my favorite lifestyle website. I love that they bring readers tips and tricks for major US cities. The only downside- the chick that does the hair and make-up video tutorials (Taylor?). I get the feeling she can care less. This is not to say she isn’t talented or attractive- she just seems uninterested. Moving along, I want to share what was in this delicious GlossyBox. Shall we?

My not personalized note- not that it bothers me. Give me the goods!

Every GlossyBox comes with a postcard with product descriptions and prices. This comes in quite handy. I try not to read what the products are before I look in the box. I enjoy the element of surprise! Sorry to spoil it for you here, but I think the picture is really too small, unless you click on it. Don’t bother. I have better descriptions and pictures on their way…

PHYTO Phytonectar Oil & O.P.I. Polish in GoldenEye

1) PHYTO Phytonectar Oil: This is a pre-shampoo oil that has nourishing qualities. The directions say to rinse it before you actually shampoo. PHYTO products are usually excellent but this seems a little weird, as I won’t shampoo it out. It reminds me of a hot oil treatment without the heat!

2) O.P.I. GoldenEye Nail Polish: We all know O.P.I. makes cutting edge colors and are great quality. GoldenEye is a homage to Bond 007– 50 years young! I think this is a fantastic tribute for a Golden Jubilee. I love gold polish and it errs on the darker side. It reminds me of another golden polish by O.P.I. that I think is discontinued. Yay for me!

3) Lierac Creme Mesolift Moisturizer: First off, I love this friggin jar. Love it. I love the color. I love how kick a$$ this will look on my nightstand. The creme is a light peach and I just applied it- right now. It absorbed quickly but it feels a bit greasy. Uh-oh. Maybe it isn’t for me but it has AHA’s B5, 6, A, C, and E. I need more radiance as I feel since I hit my 30s, that is a department in which my skin is lacking. (After about an hour, it really absorbed and though I feel a bit oily, it’s not too bad!)

4) vBeaute Rub Off Gentle Facial Exfoliator: In case you didn’t know, the rose is very good for controlling oil. This exfoliator has a few of my favorite things, like rosemary, coconut, and Alpine Rose Botanical Technology. I love to exfoliate, as my skin gets a lot of blackheads. Other than my usual Clarisonic and weekly face masks, I like to throw a scrub in. I will give this a go. It’s gentle and I need scrub that won’t rip my skin off.

Lierac Creme Mesolift Moisturizer and vBeaute Rub Off Gentle Facial Exfoliator- lifting and sanding. My kind of party.

The final two…

5) MISSHA M Perfect BB Cream SPF 42 in No. 23: This is a repeat offender but a smaller version. I received this BB Cream in my first GlossyBox. I actually like the Missha BB Cream the best. It doesn’t make me very oily and now that winter is on its way, I will use it more. This tube will probably end up in someone’s stocking.

6) ROSEBUD Mocha Rose Lip Balm with Vanilla: I almost bought this over the summer. I love Rosebud Salve. There is just something so luxurious when I pull the little tin out of my bag. This lip balm has essential oils, shea butter, vitamin E, and beeswax. The mocha, vanilla, and chocolate flavors don’t hurt either. It really is great for dry and chapped lips.

Get prepped for winter! Missha BB Cream and Rosebud Mocha Rose Lip Balm

That’s it for the HIt Kit! As for my WOWZA! news, Zunaira over at Twenty Something Girls, nominated me for another Liebster award! I just did my post yesterday, BUT I missed a few blogs that I would like to nominate. I’ll answer Zunaira’s questions tomorrow and nominate some more blogs. Small bloggers are on the move! Keep it up!

Keep Calm & Primp On! XOXO

The Liebster Award!

I have good news…

#1: Laura at Laura. Lives. Life. nominated me for a Liebster Award! Thank you so much for the nod! You need to check out a Jersey transplant in London!

#2: I’m at 50+ followers, which may seem like nothing, but to me that’s 50 more people reading what I have to say. It is pretty cool.

Here we go…

Lub my Liebster!

So what is the Liebster Blog Award?

It’s an award that was reputedly started in Germany in order to give smaller bloggers recognition for their hard work. You receive this award from a fellow blogger that feels your blog is both worthy & important to them.

The rules are:

1) Post eleven facts about yourself
2) Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and create eleven questions for people you’ve nominated
3) Choose eleven people to give this award to (with fewer than 200 followers) and link them in your post
4) Go to their page and tell them
5) Remember, no tag backs

My Eleven Facts:

1) My favorite book is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. Francie and I have a lot in common. Read it.

2) I have almost been teaching for 10 years (about a week to go!) and the students from my first year can now drink with me at a bar. Not that I do that.

3) I live my life to the fullest and share every dumb thing I do with my students. You can only imagine when I told them about the time I pushed my sister into a bush. I was 23.

4) I hate math. Shudder.

5) I used to sing opera. I’ve found a new voice here.

6) I talk to myself. Some may call that a problem. I think I’m the only one that listens to me.

7) I have OCD and yes, I was diagnosed. I’ve made inappropriate jokes about it on my blog, not naughty, just honest.

8) I have never ridden between the cars on the subway. I have walked through them to get to another car but only when the train was going very slow or stopped.

9) I have never seen the Twilight movies and I am proud.

10) I skipped a lot of the dirty parts in Fifty Shades of Gray. It isn’t because I’m prudish. I got bored.

11) I think pulling off a Biore strip is one of the most satisfying things in the world.

Wondering why the dye is making my scalp tingle. Gray hair at 32. Not fun.

The Eleven Questions from Laura:

1. How did you decide you wanted to start a blog?

I have always been make-up obsessed. I love to try new things and new looks. I am always on the hunt for something new. My friends always ask me for advice about products- I just decided to start writing about it. I think cosmetics have the ability to transform. The more you know about something, the easier it becomes to trust yourself, and with make-up, the more fun you have!

2. Why is your favourite colour your favourite colour?

Orange is my favorite color. I think it is because orange is punchy, sassy, fiery- it blazes, and in nature helps to signify the dawning of the day or the beginning of the night.

3. What would be your dream holiday?

Seychelles or the Maldives because I have yet to see the Indian Ocean. It just seems like it would be so luxurious.

4. How do you know what each blog post is going to be?

Great Question! I normally don’t. Sometimes I just decide I am going to try something new and then manage to just post about it. The beauty subscription posts are probably the most consistent but there is still some level of spontaneity. I like to keep things interesting. I’m not only about cosmetics- skincare, hair care, bath items are all in the product realm. I don’t discriminate!

5. Makeup: Eyes or Lips?

Oooh- you’re killing me. Mascara is a serious necessity but if I had to, I’d go with lips. Color can change your entire face and lipstick is the easiest way to do that.

6. Best advice you’ve ever been given?

Work with what you got!

7. Favourite website for shopping? (any shopping)

Wow. These are like life or death. Sephora for cosmetics but for clothes, I will try anywhere. I usually hit up Torrid but Evans finally starting shipping to the USA. I got a delivery today.

8. Do you prefer Birthdays or Christmas?

Christmas! It is my favorite holiday. I like how it encompasses a month of joy and celebration, especially in NYC. There is nothing like Christmastime in NY. Trust me.

9. If you were famous, what would you be known for?

I’d want to be know as a beauty powerhouse- maybe a beauty editor. I’d really like to be known for world peace but you can’t have it all.

10. Top 3 beauty products you can’t live without?

1) Mascara- my favorite is L’Oreal Voluminous but I am using something different now.

2) A lipstain- maybe Revlon’s Just Bitten because there is a lip balm attached.

3) A shimmery beige eye pencil- Sephora’s NANO in Purely Beige. It highlights and I use it in the corners of my eyes and under my brow bone.

11. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Paris. Hands down. I’m a Brooklyn girl but I love Paris.

Being here for a few months, I have found some great blogs! The nominees are: (She’s at 201 but that +1 must have been me.)

My Eleven Questions:

1) Why did you start blogging?

2) What is your “day job”?

3) What is your least favorite current fashion trend?

4) What is the one thing you do that other people think is fantastic?

5) What was your biggest adventure?

6) What is your favorite cosmetic product?

7) What perfume do you like most?

8) Who is your favorite person?

9) What is your favorite book?

10) What product would you love to try but you think it is too expensive?

11) What beauty product do you think would change the world?

November GlossyBox is the Tinsel on My Tree

The November GlossyBox

Sooooo… GlossyBox is usually very late in shipping me my monthly subscription. I usually have to email them and then a few days later it is waiting outside my door. To my surprise, there were two GlossyBox packages biding their time in my vestibule. At first, I was slightly confused- I just ordered a GlossyBox for $12.00 under a different email. (I admit, it was sneaky but hey! They are expensive!) Anyway, I checked and I am pretty sure these are my final two boxes from my Refinery29 deal. I didn’t realize that I would get four boxes for $60.00 Yay for surprises!

I will start with the November box. It is pretty fabulous. It came with a magazine that is far more interesting than another subscription service.

Pretty pink box and a magazine…

I also enjoy reading the little “love” note that comes in the box. It says, “‘Tis the Season to be Glossy!” Oh, I plan on it. On the back of my note, there is a listing of the products contained in the box. First off, the wrapping is great, It really is like opening a present. There is shredded black paper and black tissue paper held by a pink and black crown sticker. The boxes are so sturdy- I am saving them for gifts. Seriously. Moving on…

The Products: Of the five, three are full size. Unfortunately, I received one of the products before. Sigh.

The November note and list

1) Skin&Co Roma Truffle Serum: Hydro-Toning Day Face Cream is supposed to hinder the signs of aging. I have to give it a test run. If it makes me too greasy, my mom or aunt will end up with it.

2) NUME Style Arganics by NuMe Argan Oil will definitely get used. I use this stuff in my hair but have yet to try this brand.

3) INCOCO Nail Polish Applique in Sinderella is a pretty, shimmering red. There are 16 strips and since my nails are short, I manage to get 2-3 uses out of one package. I tend to like appliques and my favorite is by Nail Fraud. I can’t wait to try these. They are perfect for the holiday season and are “3-free” which means no DBP, toluene, or formaldehyde. (Thanks to all the nail bloggers for turning me on to this.)

Serum that I would like to eat, Argan oil, and INCOCO Nail Appliques

4)Illamasqua Ltd Lip & Eye Medium Pencil in Rump is an icy blue. It isn’t frosty but flat. I’m not sure how I would use this- maybe as an accent, but I will give it a whirl.

5) Kryolan for GlossyBox Blusher in Glossy Rosewood is the repeat offender in the box. I’ve tested my other one and I enjoy using it. I guess this saves me some money on my next blush.

I will post about the Refinery29 box later this week and post a few reviews. Until then, my pretties.

Keep Calm and Primp On! XOXO

Eyeliner, blush, and Herald Square! The Christmas decorations were up over a week ago.

ipsy Box! WooHoo!

After my negative experience with my recent Birch Box, I decided I needed to try a new subscription service. I get GlossyBox but they are $21 US a month. The year is roughly $200 US and I don’t know, I’m trying to wrap my head around spending that much and their shipping is less than desirable. Luckily, I get Allure Magazine emails and there was an article on none other than beauty boxes. I went to a few of the websites they suggested (Beauty Army, ipsy, etc) and decieded ipsy really gave the best deal. At $10 US a month, you get a cosmetics bag (a novel idea!) filled with full sized and deluxe sample sized products. The shipping was also speedy. I got my bag within a week of placing my order.

Oh, happy day!

I don’t think these boxes are “curated” (that’s what Birch Box wrote in the email they sent me regarding my disappointment for my recent deliveries) for the individual but I think the products sent to me would work on pretty much anyone. This month’s bag is Party Perfect! and includes soiree friendly products.

Let’s begin:

Eyes and tips!

theBalm Matte Eye Shadow in Matt Batali: This eye shadow is one of the nine colors in theBalm’s Meet Matt(e) Eye Shadow palette. A matte deep brown, this one can be used as a liner or in your crease for definition. theBalm’s shadows are smooth and the colors aren’t ground-breaking but user friendly.

Benefit’s They’re Real Mascara: ipsy sent a deluxe sample tube. I bought one last month at Macy’s for $10, but this ups the ante on this box. I haven’t tried this mascara yet. I’ve heard mixed reviews but now that I have two, I guess I will have to!

Nailtini Nail Lacquer in Millionaire: The idea behind Nailtini is to mix your polishes and create your own nail look- the box had all drink related instructions. I enjoy glitter polish and this one is rose gold glitter with teal tinsels thrown in. The polish is festive for the holiday season and will make a great accent nail.

Moxie Starlet!

BareMinerals marvelous Moxie Lip Gloss in Dare Devil: I love BareMinerals’ Buxom line, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from Moxie. This is a deluxe sample but I like that since I change my lip color all of the time. Dare Devil is a sparkling burgundy and is more sheer than I thought. The gloss is light and not too sticky. It has a nice shine and a tingle. Like the Buxom glosses, I guess this has lip plumping properties. Dare Devil is perfect for a night out and great for a wintery day look.

Starlet Intense Eyeliner in Chocolate:I have yet to try this pencil but the color is nice and saturated. The pencil seems easy enough to blend and will accompany the matte shadow I received to the next shin-dig. I plan on doing a brown/copper smokey look- the gray and black can be a bit harsh on me. I will keep you posted.

Though I love the bag, ipsy is also big on social networking. I already write this blog so posting videos and pictures of myself on their site might be a little extra work. Maybe I can do a monthly ipsy post and use it here. Oh, decisions, decisions…

I can’t wait to share my next delivery with you!

Keep Calm and Primp On! XOXO

Violet! You’re turning Violet!

Lots of goodies in here!

On a recent trip to a department store, I managed to pick up Clinique‘s Black Tie Violet gift set. This was a steal for $39.50 US. There are several products in the set that are full size and a new one that I can’t wait to destroy… uh, I mean use.

The lovely kit came in this hot pink cosmetic bag with a silver “Clinique” tag. It’s a good size, nice for travel, and since it is nylon, easy to clean. I hate when my make-up bags get dirty.

It is in the bag.

Now, here is the fun! There are two mascaras in this kit. The first is High Impact Extreme Volume Mascara in Extreme Black. Oooh. Ahhh. This is a new product (or so I am told) and I haven’t used it yet but I always like volumizing mascara and Clinique rarely disappoints me. The other mascara is Bottom Lash Mascara in Black. It has a teeny brush so you can get the little lashes at the outer and inner corners of your lashes. I’ve always wanted to try it, so now I can! I’m not done! There is also Cream Shaper for Eyes in Mink. Looks like a liner, goes on soft and leaves a deep color. Mink is a nice compliment to the purples in the kit- I will get to that next.

Eye got it!

No Clinique set would be complete with an eye shadow palette. This one does not disappoint.  It is a quad of Colour Surge Eye Shadows in Deep Purple, Taupe, Crystal Berry, and Soft Pink. You can highlight, define, or have a natural look with these shades. I have no swatches but trust me, they are fun!

Not as bad as a purple nurple.

Finally, Clinique threw in a face moisturizer-  Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief. It is a gel and I am happy they have branched out and no longer just give out Dramatically Different! I remember when I would get the free gifts, they had mini bottles and you could never get all the product out, Now, the full size has a pump and the trial sizes are squeeze tubes. Since this is a gel, I can probably use it on my greasy face. I use their Dramatically Different Gel and like it very much. This probably will leave a bigger moisture punch.

Keeping with the moisture theme, there is a Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Colour Balm in Woppin’ Watermelon. I have used the Chubby Stick before and I really like them. They leave a nice sheen and great color that can be built on.

This kit would make a great gift and it’s a great price! Check it out!

Keep Calm & Primp On! XOXO

Mmmmm… melon!

Lips and Face!

Just a Quickie!

I wanted to just pop on in for a second to tell you about my nail polish from Butter London. I ordered some because of the friends and family discount and managed to get 8 bottles of polish and one lip gloss. With the discount, I spent $77 US which isn’t too terrible. Of course, there are gifts in there- not all bottles are for moi!

I started with the crazy, smelly nail grow polish. The bottle has English writing but the stench is a bit scary. It has garlic and cinnamon which is supposed to encourage nail growth. Then I put Butter London Nail Foundation. I’ve mentioned this in a previous post and I like how it smoothes out my destroyed nails.

I gave the base coat a few minutes and then painted 3 coats of Butter London “Two Fingered Salute.” I loved the website’s description about how Americans “flip the bird.” I knew what the polish name was teasing but the color won me over anyway. It is a gray- green with purple shimmer. I slapped on 3 coats- the first two coats looked a little stripy and sheer. It looks really pretty now and slightly unexpected. I love it! I threw on some Seche Vite. I’m always surprised that it dries fast as it is goopy.
It is a busy week here in the states between Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and a late meeting at work for me so I wanted to check in. I have a lot of new products to tell you about. I hope to get on with it in the coming weeks. See ya later!
Keep Calm & Primp On! XOXO


Really BirchBox?!

I am obsessed with beauty boxes. I have already sang my praises about GlossyBox and am waiting for my box from ipsy. I’m a member of Influenster, too. I have one more invite if anyone is interested. Today, though, today I am going to write about BirchBox. Let’s start with the basics- it’s $10 a month for a box of “deluxe” samples depending on your beauty profile. They are the first beauty subscription I heard of and the first that I ordered.

When I got my first box last year, I was excited. I can’t remember what was in it but I was happy just to have a surprise every month. The first few months were pretty great. Then something weird happened. I started getting crappy boxes- I mean, for $10 I would think they could do better. I got a few really great boxes- Teen Vogue was pretty good and I liked the extra box of Vichy products. Recently, they sent a goop box. Blech., C’mon, Gwyneth Paltrow, I expect more from you!

Anyway, I got my November box today and I am disappointed once again. There are four beauty products and one “lifestyle extra” (gee, thanks.) Here is what I got:

1) Oscar Blandi Pronto Texture and Volume Spray- Seems to be a texturizer that gives volume. If the peeps at BirchBox read my beauty profile, they would know I don’t need a volumizer. My hair is curly. Why would I need volume if I already look like a CH-CH-CH-CHia Pet?

2) Stila All Over Shimmer Liquid Luminizer- This is a small tube and though I like highlighters, the one they sent me is a bit dark for my skin. I can probably use it  but again, why do I have a beauty profile? AND I just bought a set of three from Sephora for $10.

3) Miracle Skin Transformer Vanish Instant Imperfection Corrector- Okay, this is a primer with built in serum and   “optical diffusers.” I use primer so I will eventually get to this. Too bad the tube is tiny and I’ll only get 1-3 uses.

4) Atelier Cologne Rose Nonyme Cologne Absolue- I haven’t smelled the miniature vial and I just bought a set of these from Sephora. This was not included and since I like a few of the colognes in the set I purchased, I will use this.

5) Chuao Chocolatier ChocoPod (Lifestyle Extra)- A very tasty chocolate covered potato chip that was eaten in two bites.

6) BirchBox Holiday Catalogue- Product peddling magazine that was a little pretentious. I do not need to buy a $58 box for the home. No one needs an expensive deck of cards.

The one most excellent thing that BirchBox did was mention their support of The Art of Elysium, a non-profit that encourages those in the arts and performing arts to dedicate time and talent to children who are battling various medical conditions.

I apologize for my whining but after getting two excellent boxes from GlossyBox, I had to say something.

My box.

BirchBox is not Product Hoochie approved. I will not renew my subscription when it is up.

Keep Calm and Primp On! XOXO

It’s a Time to Give (away)!


I am about a week late with my next giveaway. Such is life but I can guarantee this is a good one. First, I want to tell you that Michelle of NYC won the Caboodles gifty. She is very excited and I will be getting it out to her next week. On to the next challenge!

The holidaze (!) are a beautiful yet stressful time, especially now. Many of us are generous with our time, energy, and in some cases, funds. I have seen a lot of good going on here in NYC post Supersatan…uh, I mean Superstorm Sandy. In honor of those that have been good (and I don’t mean that as in you’ve made Santa’s list), volunteered, organized, or simply gave out hugs or a helping hand, I have created a bag of spa-like products and cosmetics that will help relax, recharge, and refresh a person with a kind heart.

Here is what you do:

-Send me an email at nominating a person you think deserves a little pampering.

-In your email, tell me a bit about the good that this person has given to the world, whether it be volunteering, organizing a benefit, etc.

The deadline for all entries is December 2nd!

*I am not limiting this to those that were affected or helped in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. I don’t want to diminish anyone’s good deeds.

-One winner will be selected by December 3rd. I will simply reply to the email sent to me, asking for contact information of the winner. I will send the gift on it’s merry way before the holiday rush gets crazy.

My giveaways haven’t gotten the best of responses but I am hoping that YOU will want to do something good for someone else.

Keep Calm & Primp On! XOXO

“And in the end

The love you take

Is equal to the love you make” (The Beatles)

Melty Lips? Wha?!

I had read about Blistex Moisture Melt a few weeks ago on some website. Of course, they sang the praises of the product and of course, since it is a product, I needed to try it.

I’ve had some issues with lip balm, as I’ve read it can be “addicting” and certain brands put ingredients that dry out your lips so you need to reapply constantly. You will become dependent and NEED the lip balm! AHHHH! THE HUMANITY! I’m not much of a reapplier except when my lips are dry. I started using Burt’s Bees because they are a natural product and lo and behold, I didn’t need to reapply and my lips were moist. Anyway, as soon as I saw Blistex Moisture Melt, I decided $1.47 would burn a hole in my pocket anyway and I bought it.


The tube reveals a light blue gel with blue beads floating in it. It boasts a label with SPF 15 and describes itself as a “super-hydrating lip balm with moisturizing spheres you can see.” Thanks for explaining the obvious. It also claims it is ultra moisturizing with soft melting beads. Okay- I get it. It smells slightly like berries and is slightly minty. It’s a totally inoffensive smell.


Application is easy. Twist off the cap, squeeze the tube, smear on your mouth. The rounded tip makes for simple use and it spreads pretty evenly. There is a very slight tingle, hardly any and that is very un-Blistex. The beads melt into nothing, so your lips don’t look blue. Sadly, there is no warming sensation, which I kind of hoped for. Not that melting means warming but, ya know!

My lips have a light sheen and their natural color is enhanced. I reapplied this several times today and they don’t feel particularly moist. As a matter of fact, I feel the balm spreading outside the lines of my lips. Uh-oh. I think I might be addicted. Time to go back to the bees!