Keepin’ It Curly

I didn’t always have curly hair. As a kid, it was very straight and thick. When I was in 8th grade, I got a perm. As my hair grew out, it never lost the curl. I guess it liked being curly.



I fought the curl in my 20s. There was something about straight hair. It looked so neat and smooth but was a pain to maintain. I went to Ouidad and got a curly haircut. My life was forever changed. My holy grail gel is Ouidad’s Climate Control. Though I have long abandoned the “rake and shake” styling method, I have not abandoned the gel and my frizz free curls. Until recently.

My friend, E., started posting about her love of DevaCurl products. I was never curious about DevaCurl- the no poo shampoo gives me the creeps- but E.’s curls look amazing and I just happened to have a sample pack of DevaCurl products lying around. The pack contained three very generous samples of the No-Poo Cleanse,  One Condition, and Light Defining Gel. (And when I say generous samples, I have already gotten two uses out of the packets and think may have 2-3 more uses.)

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I wash my hair pretty much every other day but sometimes up to two days. I actually hadn’t washed in three days and decided to give the No-Poo a whirl. By the way, the products smell delightful, like jasmine tea. I squeezed some of the No-Poo into my hands and rubbed together. I really went at my scalp and worked some through the ends. I was a little afraid my head wouldn’t feel fresh but there must be some kind of tingly ingredient in that stuff because my head and scalp felt totally clean. I then worked some conditioner through the mid- section to the ends of my hair. I left it for a few minutes, combed through, and rinsed.

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I have admitted my devotion to Ouidad’s Climate Control Gel but I confess I use some kind of oil in my hair for my routine curly hair ritual. I put that in while it is soaking wet. Then I put my gel and some Miss Jessie’s Pillow Soft Curls and scrunch. It isn’t time consuming and my curls stay frizz-free and are well defined. I decided to forgo the oil when trying the Deva Curl, as well as the curl cream. I followed the directions, tilted my wet head forward, and worked the gel through my hair, scrunching along the way. Then I waited for it to dry because as much as I love products, I do not love hair dryers.

What I noticed: my curls were definitely more spirally than normal. My husband did notice my hair did look different- he said it seemed curlier. I found some of my tighter curls were really tight. The next day, I still needed some product to smooth out some of the frizz. I found that it didn’t keep my frizz at bay as much as the thicker Ouidad gel.

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What will I do? The jury is still out on that one. I have a TON of Ouidad gel to use up and I know it works for me. On the other hand, I will use up my samples and see what happens. Consistency is key with products. I’m curious to see if with time DevaCurl will hydrate my hair and it will naturally become less frizzy. I also put some of my oil in today to see if there is any difference.

Quick Update: Washed my hair Tuesday night with DevaCurl, put some oil in, and this is my hair today after some time in a ponytail.

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Are you  happy with your hair?

Keep Calm & Primp On! XOXO