
Where have I been? If you were wondering, I have some new info…
My husband and I moved back in November. My blogging slowed down in the months before because of packing, back to work, etc. We finally got into our new place mid-November. After about a week, I noticed that our neighbor was very loud. So loud, that I could hear every word of Rihanna’s greatest hits. I asked her about it kindly and she was so nasty. The second time, I actually put in a noise complaint with NYC. We also spoke to our landlord.

Though it got a little better, I then had to worry if I would hear her screaming- at anyone or thing. One afternoon, I heard her fighting with a male- screaming back and forth. A few days later, the music started up. Again. My husband and I looked at each other and decided it was time to move. We lived in the apartment for two months.
My mother-in-law happily took us in and we moved this past Thursday.
I can only imagine the next few weeks are going to be busy between unpacking and getting settled. At this point, I will probably be taking a break and it will be for some time. As much as I love my products, I also love my sanity!

I hope to be able to back soon and miss you all!
Keep Calm & Primp On! XOXO

