Stuff I Tried This Week x4

I have been a little MIA this week and I am sorry. We just have a lot going on and have been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to really give any solid and full reviews. SITW includes a few things that I used for the first time or gave another chance. On with it!

Face SPF 20 Coola Mineral Sunscreen Rose Tinted Moisturizer:


I think I received this in either a Birchbox or ipsy bag. I had another Coola product but had given it away and was slightly curious about this. The formula is very thin. I found a little to go a long way.


With flash

With flash

I didn’t find it to be rose tinted- it was more luminizing than rosy. It didn’t have the best coverage but I don’t wear a lot of coverage anyway.  I started using it on Monday and it made my skin oily. I tried it again Tuesday-Thursday and my face could rival an oil slick. By Friday morning. I could feel a zit forming on the left side of my nose. It is one of those underground ones, too. It hurts. Needless to say, I threw the rest in the garbage. If you need a tinted SPF for your face, I would not recommend this one.



Wet n Wild Take On the Day Primer: I bought this a while back and when I first used it I wasn’t impressed. I recently finished a tiny tube of Too Faced Shadow Insurance and had this handy so I started using it again. At first I thought it was doing a decent job. A few days later, I noticed it wasn’t. My eye shadow became splotchy, and was on places other than my lid. I threw it out today and went back to my NYX HD Eye Primer. I missed it and decided that I would never stray again.

Julep Essential Cuticle Oil: I received this in that fancy Birchbox for CEW delivery. I own one Julep polish and it is super thin and has awful coverage. I also got a Julep polish with the cuticle oil. It is so thick that when I went for a mani/pedi, even the manicurist complained. I am underwhelmed by the cuticle oil, too. It comes in a roller ball and is supposed to “soften rough cuticles.” I would need vats of it. It dries very quickly, which on one hand (ha!) is good, but that means it isn’t sticking around to really moisturize. Julep Essential Cuticle Oil is really touted for daily use and is meant to be easy to carry with you. I do not have time to dab cuticle oil on my nails. Don’t waste $18 USD.

It does smell pretty.

It does smell pretty.

Cool Whip Cookies: I found a recipe floating around Facebook and then I did a little google search. Basically, you take any flavor cake mix you want, add an eight ounce container of thawed Cool Whip, and an egg. You mix it and get a nice cookie dough. You drop balls of dough into powdered sugar and throw them in a pre-heated 350 F degree oven. Then you let them cool and eat up. I made two versions- one using devil’s food cake mix (they taste like Archway Dutch Chocolate Cookies) and the other using white cake mix with lemon and lime zest (they remind me of those evil Lofthouse cookies that I love). I also chose not to throw the dough into powdered sugar. I just sprinkled a little on top before I baked. The results are delicious and since I used fat free Cool Whip, we are talking really light cookies.

These are the lemon/lime cookies. The cookies were the best thing I tried this week.

These are the lemon/lime cookies. The cookies were the best thing I tried this week.

Did you do anything new this week? Let me know!

Keep Calm & Primp On! XOXO

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