Fall Tags! (Another One or the Other)

Girl in the Glasses tagged me in her recent post. It’s kind of funny since I tagged her in my One or the Other! I am happy to oblige and just so you know, Lindz (she wears the glasses) has really cool style and great make-up reviews. Check her out! http://girlintheglasses.com/

My Halloween “costume”!

Favorite Fall lip product?  As of this moment,  I wear Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar in Strumpet. Since I have OCD, I find this to be a little funny but not really. It lasts forever and you only need a little bit- it goes a loooooong way.

Fall Nail Product?  I just did my nails in Essie Stylenomics, which is a deep, dark hunter green. I did an accent nail with China Glaze in Electrify, an orange and yellow glitter which is from The Hunger Games line.

Favorite Starbucks Fall Drink?  Pumpkin Spice Latte! Oh, man! I wait for those every September. What I wouldn’t do for one right now. (It’s 8 AM and we have no electricity.)

Favorite Fall Candle?  I have an Entennman’s Pumpkin Pie candle, which is delicious.  Entennman’s is a baking company. Their baked goods are available in the U.S.  They make a great pumpkin pie for under $5.

Favorite Fall Scarf or accessory?   Nothing beats a hoodie but I love my leather jacket with my zebra print scarf.

Haunted house, haunted hay ride, or haunted corn maze? Haunted House for sure. My favorite ride in Disney World is the Haunted House.

Favorite Halloween movie?  I don’t usually go for the horror genre. I think “The Corpse Bride” is cute and if I have to do a scary movie, “Scream” would be it.

Favorite candy to eat on Halloween?  Love me some Autumn Mix- it has candy corn and those fabulous sugary pumpkins.

What are you dressing up as for Halloween? I was a cat at a party I went to on Saturday. I don’t think there will be much of a Halloween here in NYC.  It makes me sad.

What is your Favorite thing about Fall? I love that the weather is cooling down and the sky is different. Everything seems much clearer. I also love to wear boots and leggings, and relish in the idea that Ugg season is on the way. But I miss my flip flops.

Read these blogs!









Nostalgic Beauty!

Maybe I’m just feeling nostalgic with all of the graduation talk, but I’ve been thinking about my own high school graduation the past few days. 1998 predates digital cameras and camera phones, so I would actually have to scan the pictures in. That is not happening. So I think I’ll just throw some of the past beauty tricks we swore by- some are good and some very bad in that “WHAT WAS I THINKING?!” sort of way. Here goes…

1) In the early 90s, my friends and I would walk to 86th Street (under the El) and hit up S&J Cosmetics. They always had cheap make-up and since it was 1995, we really were looking for “natural” looking lipstick. That would mean one of two things- A) a color that had no color and made you look like a corpse or B) a brown that resembled mud or Georgia red clay (brown-based red). There was a brand called Earth Tones, which was $1.00. This stuff would stay on your lips for hours and was not drying. But, really? Natural that looked like death or dirt? Must have been pretty.

2) Speaking of lipstick, Brucci (yeah, you NYC ladies know Brucci) released matte lipstick. This was in 1994-1995 and I only remember because my friends thought the cadaver look was so chic. I was (and still am) willing to  try any make-up, so I jumped on the bandwagon. My friend, JM, went out and got us all Brucci matte lipsticks. They ran out of “Natural”- a pale nude, so she got me “Cappuccino”- a brick red-brown (surprise!) We wore that lipstick everyday and at 14 thought we were IT. When I finally got my hands on a tube of “Natural”, I whipped out my Wet ‘n’ Wild brown eyeliner, lined my lips, slapped on the lipstick and rubbed my lips together. H-O-T. (I have to admit, Brucci lipsticks are now on trend and the nail polish is great. I’ll wear “Disco Pearl” or “Romantic Red” anytime. And who can forget Teriyaki lipstick?)

3) When I was in junior high, a friend’s mom suggested I try Queen Helene’s Mint Julep Masque. It was around $3.59 for a giant jar. My friends and I would slather it on at slumber parties and let it dry until we couldn’t move any parts of our faces. When we would finally wash it off and scrub with wash cloths, we would be amazed. Blackheads would be gone, pores seemed smaller, zits shrunken. I would do a mask every week, all the way through high school. My mom would spot treat with this stuff. When she told me that she thought it worked, I knew it was special.

Very recently, I was at a Mary Kay party (such fun and pleasantly surprising!) and a friend and I were discussing beauty products. Queen Helene came up and she told me that she, too, loved the masks and face scrubs. 20 year later, I still use Queen Helene. My teenage cousin uses the Mint Julep Masque, my husband and I use the apricot scrub in the shower. It still makes my skin glow. Hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

4) I’ll be quick with perfume- Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers. Need I say more?

Why didn’t anyone tell us to stop? Why?

Stay glossy!