Forgive me, Readers.

For I have committed the faux pas for not writing in a year and a half. It has been a long time and for that I apologize. I am sure many of you have forgotten me and I deserve it. Though I decided I’d pop back in as we bid adieu to 2015 after a friend of my sister’s told me she missed reading my ramblings.

It has been quite the year point 5. My hubs and I moved moved twice, I got pregnant, had a son, and now am just juggling wife/mom/teacher/obsessive beauty product hoarder. It hasn’t been easy but it has been a lot of fun. I’ve learned a lot about myself and my identity but let’s get to the nitty gritty here- I want to talk about beauty.

After the Carrie Fischer debacle (good for her), I took a long look in the mirror today. My grandmother, age 88, always says she looks in the mirror every morning and says, “I’m an old bag.” Since I am 53 years her junior, I took a hard look myself. Stuff is sagging. I spy some crinkles around my eyes but hell, I look pretty good. I’ve managed to keep my skin looking youthful (good genes, good product hoochie-ness), my hair healthy (with a good dose of gray coverage), but I do still worry. Have I hit the time in my life of thinking that I am styling myself age appropriately? And what does that even mean?

At 35, beauty is still a mystery to me. The definition is not exact, yet we are bombarded of what it should be as opposed to what it could be.  It’s something I think about often as I am raising a son that will struggle with his own image as he grows. The ideals of beauty defy what we are taught and the idea that we are enough is easy to think but maybe not carry out.

As the new year progresses, maybe I will be back to discuss trends. Like the liquid lipstick trend that I love (but why does that stuff get so crackly and crusty?) Maybe I won’t but know I’m still here in this web of beautiful curiosity.

Until then, have a fabulous 2016!

Keep Calm & Primp On!